
creep rate 蠕變率。

creep ratio

It has been discovered that the deformation in the primary creep regime can well described by eqution : - 0 = atm , moreover , the eqution : = a n exp ( - q / rt ) can be used to interpret phenomenally the relationship between the steady - state creep rate and stress , temperature 蠕變的第一階段也就是減速蠕變階段的蠕變變形可用? _ 0 = at ~ m來描述。可以唯象地解釋穩態蠕變速率和蠕變應力和溫度之間的關系。

2 . the creep data were processed and analyzed with mathematical method . based on the experimental results , curve of creep rate versus stress and of creep rate versus temperature were curved 用最小二乘法對蠕變速度與應力及蠕變速度與溫度- t的幾組蠕變數據進行擬合,得到相應的方程。

Creep rate limit 蠕動率極限

Creep rate unit 蠕變速率單位